After posting my December 10 tribute to "Poppy" a friend from Huntsville commented, "It is always those "larger than life" characters that most inspire, entertain, and amaze us. Lucky you for having one for a father."
That's exactly what I wanted to say, but it took me 100's of words to say it. Wish I could translate my feelings into words like that.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 10, 1973

He could always whip the four of us in shape by saying, "don't you realize what you mean to me, I couldn't go on if something happened to you. You have really disappointed me." With that he would exit the room and we would collapse in tears and shame. I know of only two occasions when he ever laid a hand on one of us in anger. And, needless to say it was well deserved.
Poppy and Ma (as the grandchildren called them) had a love affair that few (maybe 5 to 10) couples ever experience. They were loyal, faithful and totally in love with each other. We would giggle as they smoothly danced (with eyes only for each other) across the floor whenever they heard "their type of music." We were so fortunate to witness, and be showered with, that kind of love. Returning from his funeral, Mama said, "Up until the day he died, my heart still skipped a beat when I heard his car pull in the driveway."

On this day I want to honor him and "wallow" in the wonderful memories he left. Thank you my blog buddies for allowing me to do that.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thanksgiving at the Woody House
Monday, December 8, 2008
Our Little Star

Stew just sent this picture of Chloe Inez performing at her daycare's annual entertainment extravaganza. I have bunches, but had not seen this one. Isn't it cute? She is one lucky little girl. She goes to a very unique daycare that only selects a limited number of children. Each child receives extra special attention and parents can observe all through the day via cameras. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to insert the videos from the performances, but Blogger does not recognize the format. Maybe Stew can hep me figure this out.
Just in case you are dying for more:

One of Rascal Bubba's favorite things to do is jump up on the sofa and throw all the pillows on the floor. I always threaten him with a rolled up newspaper when I see the floor full of pillows. So, he knows it is a no-no. Yesterday, when all the playful noise he was making stopped I peeked around the corner and caught him in the act. Usually when he hears me he jumps off the sofa and runs. Maybe I should actually use that rolled up newspaper! Huh?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lot Going On

Christmas on the West Coast

They have done a great job decorating, the house looks beautiful. But, I'm sure you can guess which picture is my favorite.
Christmas In Tuscaloosa

Chip posted a picture of the beautiful cross they made using peg board and Christmas lights. Don't you just love it? It is so pretty He says it was hard work and most of the credit goes to Peyton.
SEC Championship Game
On Friday, Chip, Parker, Peyton and a friend stopped by on their way to Atlanta for the SEC Championship game. We were so happy to have them for the night. They woke up bright and early on Saturday morning anxious to get to Atlanta for Fan Fare, ESPN Game Day and the game. They had a great time. The game was such a hard fought battle. Only problem being the wrong team won. Oh, well......12-1 and going to a BCS Bowl. Not too shabby.......

One more Picture from Atlanta

Glenda sent this picture of Vann taking a picture of Adams all painted up and standing in front of a big Bear Bryant Sign. True fan, huh?
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