This past weekend we went to Chattanooga for the wedding of the son of two of my oldest and dearest friends. I have known Matt's dad, Bill Markham since we both attended Randolph Street Church of Christ in Huntsville some 60 odd years ago. Matt's mom, Donna Markham Ramsey and I have been friends for over 35 years. Man! Are we getting old or what?
Donna was a glamorous "Mother of the Groom"
Dick relaxing in Bill and Gail's motor home. They were nice enough to park it on a lakeside lot and let us spend the weekend there. It was so nice.
Donna, Mandy (Bill's daughter), P.J. (Mandy's husband) and Gail (Bill's wife)
Donna and her husband Charles
Bill and Dick enjoy the toasts
Gail is all smiles.
Matt and Dad
Shannon and her sister
We had a wonderful time! Friday night we feasted on Filet Mignon at the Rehearsal Dinner and the Wedding Reception food was fantastic. Why do I judge trips by the food eaten? On Sunday, while Dick and Bill played golf, I visited my cousin, Tom Durham who lives in Chattanooga. What a great visit we had!!! I miss him.
Tommy's vintage golf cart. An original Harley-Davidson. I didn't know Harley Davidson made golf carts! Wonder where he gets that white hair?